Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Discovering!

BOOM !!!! I blasted in a blue stripped rocket. I was in pitch black space. Opps! I forgot to tell you that I'm an astronaut. I'm discovering the new planet called 'Guspike'. Then I found it. It was so huge that it was bigger than the sun! It's color was black, green, red and bronze. It also had brown spikes.

I zoomed to the planet Guspike. When I got there, I did not land. I went to mu rocket mirror. I peered to look. Then I landed. When I stepped down, I only moved slowly. I saw black elephants, blue trees and a... a..... a sauser!!

I waited until something came out. Suddenly, I knew something. That flying saucer was spying on me the whole time! Then a gigantic green thing popped out. There was smoke from the ship. I jumped so high that I just went into my ship. I flew to my home planet earth and never came to Planet Guspike.

"I'm so not going there again"!

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